A history: Our organization then
Common Ground was founded in 1971 by a group of students, parents and community leaders who were concerned about an increase in substance use and suicide rate among young people. In 1974, another group of volunteers began The Sanctuary, Inc. in response to the growing number of runaway youths in Oakland County. The residential counseling program for runaway and homeless youths, ages 10 through 17. This program offered youths assistance to resolve the conflicts that led them to leave home.
In 1998 Common Ground merged with The Sanctuary, Inc. – both of which had served Oakland County since the early 1970s. The merger made it so those in crisis could access a single source of help, and a unified approach to meeting community needs, that enabled both organizations to expand their services significantly.
Our organization now
Today, Common Ground is a 24-hour crisis services agency dedicated to helping youths, adults and families in crisis. Through our crisis line and in person, we provide professional and compassionate services to more than 165,000 people each year.