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Common Ground News and Blog

Teen Dating Violence can happen to anyone

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month    That 17-year-old French horn player is getting slapped in the face by his girlfriend whenever they get into an argument. That freshmen girl is receiving unwanted pictures of the senior boy’s genitals and other sexual remarks on what … Read more

Children Mental Health Awareness Week

This year has been an unbelievable year for all of us. Locally, nationally, and globally we have had to adapt to change in unprecedented ways. The change we experienced was difficult, especially for our children as they faced restrictions limiting … Read more

January is Mentoring Month

The benefits of mentoring  Studies show that 59% of mentored teenagers earn better grades, 27% of mentored youth are less likely to begin using alcohol and 52% of mentored youth are less likely to skip school. The power of mentoring … Read more

Local organizations host virtual support groups and events

Common Ground offers domestic violence and homicide loss support groups Starting this month, Common Ground is offering virtual support groups for those who have experienced trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the groups is the Domestic Violence Support Group. … Read more

Celebrating these Holidaze

This Thanksgiving was not one of my favorites. Picture this: I am sitting in my living room chair, under a blanket, watching holiday movies while eating a soggy turkey pot pie, drinking water out of a fancy glass, and staring at the … Read more

Common Ground CEO says national grant will help save lives

Oakland County-based nonprofit Common Ground was recently awarded a grant by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.   Common Ground provides crisis intervention services, such as a 24-hour … Read more

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

There is one death by suicide in the US every 11 minutes. (CDC) Researchers have estimated that approximately 135 people are affected to some degree by every person lost to suicide (Cerel et al., 2015, p.5). This means an estimated … Read more

Mental Illness Awareness Week

We here at Common Ground believe that mental health conditions are important to discuss year-round because mental illness affects everyone directly or indirectly through family, friends or coworkers. Stigmatizing attitudes toward people with mental disorders are widespread in the general public and … Read more